Introduction to Be Activated (muscle activation) - where it all began
Everyone starts somewhere - this was the first tool created for my clients - all funds to Peninsula School Feeding
Hello, if you are reading this you may be part of the BeActivated community who just wants to see how silly I looked the first time I filmed something for my clients (shame on you), or you may be interested in a history lesson in the world of BeActivated.
This was the first product I ever put together - it was a CD-Rom in Microsoft Producer - it meant it had video with a powerpoint running alongside each other. It was pretty cutting edge at the time.
This program was for my clients. They would have had a few sessions and then the question was always, what now?
I got tired of scribbling instructions so this made more sense.
What is cool is the 123 we use today as a base philosophy did not exist yet... That was 2008-ish when teaching one of my athletes what was happening in his body (but that's another story for another day).
What this does do though is mark time. This is what I was doing and this is what I was thinking back in 2005.
I had only been teaching for about a year.
Please watch the video below that I am about to go make - your purchase will be going to helping people who are struggling right now because of the lockdown. In South Africa one of the challenges is the feeding schemes that operate through the schools, are struggling to reach the kids. They need funding to to make food parcels to get to families and kids in need.
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Your Instructor
Doug is a surfer from Cape Town who has found a way to help people in pain, those who are stressed and those who want to perform better in any area of their world. The BeActivated principles can help you and your clients remember how good their body can feel.